viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

How the national international media shape the vision of the worldtowards the ´´33 miners accident ``phenomenon from 2010?

How did the national and international media shape the vision of the world towards the ´´33 miners accident ``phenomenon from 2010?

In this text i will try to show how the mass media hid certain aspects of information relating to the 2010 mining accident and how access to other independient sources can change our vision of the facts. Chile is  a country that has many natural catastrophes. In the year 2010,  three catastrophes  acurred together. First, there Was an earthquake on the 27 of February, caused a tsunami in Concepcion that devastated the city and five  months later a new accident near Copiapo: the 33 miners accident that lasted 79 days. Chile was famous for this all over the world. How the media gave information about this last terrible event will be present here.

 The Chilean mining accident happend on 5 of August 2010 in a 121 year-old mine called San José. That mine wich produced gold and copper, is located in the Atacama desert about 45 km from the city. The 33 were trapped 700 meters below the Earth. The Chile Earthquake and its associated tsunami had taken place less than six months before the accident.  ("2010 Copiapó Mining Accident" n.d.)

The media did not tell us that there was one miner who was not working at the San Jose mine that day. "The mine always gives you a warning, it is something that we know" said Urea, who had been a miner for 31 years. The mine collapsed on august the 5 of 2010 trappin the 33 miners and it quickly became international news. The mine collapsed 2300 below the ground leaving the miners unable to reach the surface.

The documentary informed viewers about the structure of the mine, how it worked and what the interior Was like. It also showed how the accident happend, where the 33 miners were when the mine collapsed, and how the managed to survive. The video showed that, the media actually hid some of the facts, and only reported parts of what happend. In this documentary we saw shorts recordings of the 33 miners inside the mine and we are shown how the whole country of Chile worked togetter to rescue Them. We also saw how the miners could be located in such a big mine and how a new machine that would transport Them to the surface Was created by the president of Chile and the mining minister.

When we have access to different sources of information it causes us to change our perspectives. This video change my version of the accident. I had only seen what the tv said about it, but with more specific information I learnt a lot more. The media did not tell us what we needed to know about the accident, they only told us what the wanted us to know.


Boyette, C., Rozsa, M., and Flores, R. (August 20, 2015) "Chilean miners: where are they now?" Retrieved on 10 of November from :

"2010 Chilean mining accident" (n.d). Retrieved on 12 of November from 

Dadothegoodvilliain.(24 of nov.2013)."Buried alive- The Chilean mine rescue". Retrieved on 12 of November from

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